


Solutions that support the quality of your project

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16 years of experience



Gesso&Perfil, founded in 2008, is a leading company in drywall solutions. We offer a wide range of services, from the sale of materials to the assembly and distribution of plasterboard, stucco, engineered trailer, interior finishes, exterior coatings and micro-cement.


Leader in drywall


16 years of experience


Qualified team


Discover our excellent services

Um corredor com muito drywall nas paredes e no teto.

Assembly and Coatings on Plasterboards

We offer complete assembly and plasterboard covering services, meeting project specifications and ensuring maximum efficiency.

Um homem usando capacete e colete de segurança está trabalhando em uma parede

Stucco and Engineered Trailer

In addition to drywall installation, we also offer stucco and engineered plastering services. This service guarantees a professional finish, with a daily yield of 150m².

Um banheiro com pia, espelho e banheira.


Sturdy, versatile and easy to maintain, our microcement application service offers a contemporary and durable finish for floors, walls, furniture and more.

Um grupo de trabalhadores da construção civil usando capacetes e coletes posam para uma foto.

Professional Qualification

Committed to excellence, we offer professional training programs in the area of laminated plasterboard installation, training professionals to perform better in the competitive construction market.

Let's build your next project with us?

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Our suppliers

Our dedication has made us official representatives in Cape Verde of the renowned brands Placo Saint-Gobain, Weber Saint-Gobain, Isover Saint-Gobain and Armstrong.


Um carro está passando por uma rua em frente a um prédio alto.
Impressão artística de um grande prédio de apartamentos à noite
Um grande edifício com muitas janelas tem a palavra emergência escrita
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Why hire us?

Choose Gesso&Perfil for its superior quality, wide range of products and support in all phases of your construction project.

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